ZeXLR83r, your awesome! Very cool mod. I wonder how far you plan on taking it looking out? Has the potential to be like a StarFlight II or Star Control type game. Not sure how far Notrium lets you mod? But you have so many elements there in place as it is, plenty of room for growth from your current in place mechanisms. You know I just made this login cause I like this project and played it alot, I wanted to post and say hi and keep up the good work and maybe throw my 2 cents in there. =) And I knew about Notrium for awhile, but I found/realized this mod because I was looking for games that had space flight or combat and also planets to explore. And while not a full fledged game replacement mod, this mod has given me a taste out of a well thats been dry for too long.
I love how you can switch to bridge mode and move around and do things there and then go back to flying the ship. I love the shop, the ranking system, etc. Lots of cool value-added enhanced features to the stock game. The jetpack is cool, and the ability to fly around to other systems/planets, and land on them and check it out.. sweet! 
I was hoping though you can bring back combine-able items? Thats one thing I liked in regular Notrium was having basic components I can form into different things if I couldn't find one already assembled elsewhere. The exploring/make-do with what I have now feeling and feeling clever on what you can improvise with or make something new. Or take them apart to use parts for other things, like fuel converter, battery, metal rod, crystal control device etc.
And if you did bring back combine-able items.. maybe some melee weapons for people who like melee combat verses longrange? Like a sword. And if you find crystals and hilt electronic components, etc.. you can combine them to make a light saber, or force saber, or plasma sword.. whatever you wanted to call it. Don't make it easy to put together, but basically its a short range laser that instead of firing, is like in a solid-on state when your swinging it. cutting thru practically everything in that range in an instant. And if theres a way to do alternate fire, throw the energy saber and it automatically comes back to you, or if theres no way to do animation for that, just don't have ammo deplete when thrown.
Also maybe on one of the planets you can have a yoda like looking guy who unlocks the ability and trains you to be able to do force powers, or um, psychic powers basically. Then you can have your own developed or modified mind/force powers from the psychic branch of stuff.
also is there a way to force set a weapon to a certain hotkey? like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc for example?
And maybe an item out there that increases carrying weight ability, or slight increase every rank up or something? having rockets and alien corpses and only 100 in room, thats a tough feat to pull off. Course alittle text editing later and I'm.. He-Man! Master of the universe!
But those are the ideas I wanted to put on here so badly I made myself a new member. melee weapons, combine-able items, light saber, force powers.
Oh and maybe starbases for ship upgrades? or that different shops/space-stationshops would have different items in them? Make some planets more special then others in that regards. With also an overlay price from that station or planet for trade goods, like whatever the intergalatic market price is plus or minus however much in supply and demand from that region of space/planet.
and more muscles, or lighter rockets! 
thanks, and very cool niche project hidden on the web, keep it up!