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  • WAZZAL II: The Final Dawn - final Version 6 released!

    goldkiros 15 years ago
    Glad you're back Zexl8er!

    WIll there be some sort of hyperspace or "rifts" that can be opened by ships?
    Will there be larger ships I.E. Carriers carrying fighters(who act as drones) or frigates,corvettes etc...
    Will one be able to pick a specialty one that makes one proficient in something but not actually weaker(p.18 has some stuff one that)
    Space stations: one can attempt to take them over with marines, technicians, and pilots. Technicians allows one to open up computer consoles better or storage areas while marines would use brute force or have more rudementary skills. Pilots allow for ships to be jacked from a docking bay and such.
    (feel free to change around the idea)
    harwe 15 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er" said:

    I'm aware of this bug aswell, and once again as far as I can tell it's a bug with the Notrium engine, not the mod. It's easily fixed though: whenever it happens, simply save the game and reload it, and it will work perfectly again. Tell me if that works!
    Cool, never had that problem in any other mods/default before, but it works fine now thanks & keep up the good work
    ZeXLR8er 15 years ago
    Hey guys, just a quick note to tell you that I've released a patch for Wazzal II that should sort out some of the most major and annoying bugs in Build 5. Please download it from Page 63, and extract over the main Notrium folder in program files!

    Fixed in Patch 5.01 of Wazzal II: The Final Dawn - Build 5:
    [*] Fixed the long lag encountered when entering the Errxelz (former) system.[/*:m]
    [*] Prevented enemy battleships from spawning new Alien fighters when you are out of their specific area, which caused you to be defeated instantly when you returned.[/*:m]
    [*] Alien egg-layers on the Errxelz (former) system now properly drop three different Alien weapons/items when killed.[/*:m]
    [*] Right-clicking on the Captain's chair on the bridge of the Wolf IV no longer teleports you to the Moon of Naquarin. [/*:m][/list:u]
    Moon832 15 years ago
    Wow, ZeX, I was playing Build 5, and I have to say, well done! The maps are really great, and I love the ice level (too lazy to remember the name)! However, I have to say that some of the game was rather unfair. For some reason after I exit from the Errxelz (former) planet, a lot of alien fighters attack me! And not not there, but everywhere! This led to a lot of deaths. *EDIT* Wow, I just read a previous post, and it said that this was a glitch. However, even when I put the patch on, this still occured. Maybe you could fix this? Also, it's almost impossible to capture a baby wa-wolf in the cage. But those were all of my complaints, and I like the rest of the game a lot!

    BTW: Some ideas for the game!
    -I don't know if you can capture things other than the wa-wolf, but I would suggest having an alien pet.
    -Maybe you could add more weapons? I felt that there were too few melee weapons.
    -The healing, energy, and fuel pools take too long to heal. Maybe you could charge a set price to restore all of the health, energy, or fuel.
    -Maybe you could make some armor for the player to wear.
    -There could be force field upgrades that you buy. They would increase the player's force field life.
    -In the shops, there should be buyable soldiers if you are a high enough rank. The max you could have would be 2, then it increases by rank. The last amount you could have would be 15. You could also increase their health and buy them weapons and armor.
    -Some more cannons for your ship would be nice. like the triple cannons, and so forth.
    -There should be allies that you can have in space. Like if you do a mission, then they will team up with you until after the mission.

    Well, that's all!
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Moon832" said:
    -The healing, energy, and fuel pools take too long to heal. Maybe you could charge a set price to restore all of the health, energy, or fuel.
    IIRC, the holodeck's healing pool is much faster than the others. If you prefer that speed, you could try modding the others to operate the same.
    Crazy 15 years ago
    From a purely hypothetical viewpoint, if there were people willing to do graphics, what would you need?
    TrueLink 15 years ago
    ZeXLR83r, your awesome! Very cool mod. I wonder how far you plan on taking it looking out? Has the potential to be like a StarFlight II or Star Control type game. Not sure how far Notrium lets you mod? But you have so many elements there in place as it is, plenty of room for growth from your current in place mechanisms. You know I just made this login cause I like this project and played it alot, I wanted to post and say hi and keep up the good work and maybe throw my 2 cents in there. =) And I knew about Notrium for awhile, but I found/realized this mod because I was looking for games that had space flight or combat and also planets to explore. And while not a full fledged game replacement mod, this mod has given me a taste out of a well thats been dry for too long.

    I love how you can switch to bridge mode and move around and do things there and then go back to flying the ship. I love the shop, the ranking system, etc. Lots
    of cool value-added enhanced features to the stock game. The jetpack is cool, and the ability to fly around to other systems/planets, and land on them and check it out.. sweet!

    I was hoping though you can bring back combine-able items? Thats one thing I liked in regular Notrium was having basic components I can form into different things if I couldn't find one already assembled elsewhere. The exploring/make-do with what I have now feeling and feeling clever on what you can improvise with or make something new. Or take them apart to use parts for other things, like fuel converter, battery, metal rod, crystal control device etc.

    And if you did bring back combine-able items.. maybe some melee weapons for people who like melee combat verses longrange? Like a sword. And if you find crystals and hilt electronic components, etc.. you can combine them to make a light saber, or force saber, or plasma sword.. whatever you wanted to call it. Don't make it easy to put together, but basically its a short range laser that instead of firing, is like in a solid-on state when your swinging it. cutting thru practically everything in that range in an instant. And if theres a way to do alternate fire, throw the energy saber and it automatically comes back to you, or if theres no way to do animation for that, just don't have ammo deplete when thrown.

    Also maybe on one of the planets you can have a yoda like looking guy who unlocks the ability and trains you to be able to do force powers, or um, psychic powers basically. Then you can have your own developed or modified mind/force powers from the psychic branch of stuff.

    also is there a way to force set a weapon to a certain hotkey? like 1, 2, 3, 4, etc for example?

    And maybe an item out there that increases carrying weight ability, or slight increase every rank up or something? having rockets and alien corpses and only 100 in room, thats a tough feat to pull off. Course alittle text editing later and I'm.. He-Man! Master of the universe!

    But those are the ideas I wanted to put on here so badly I made myself a new member.
    melee weapons, combine-able items, light saber, force powers.

    Oh and maybe starbases for ship upgrades? or that different shops/space-stationshops would have different items in them? Make some planets more special then others in that regards. With also an overlay price from that station or planet for trade goods, like whatever the intergalatic market price is plus or minus however much in supply and demand from that region of space/planet.

    and more muscles, or lighter rockets!

    thanks, and very cool niche project hidden on the web, keep it up!

    anruca 15 years ago
    Wont it be a better idea to do the dialogs in a comic book trailer?
    It may be better if the ship runs away, or you get killed.
    It probably be more handy for players to get the story better,
    but there is the issue of creating those comic book pictures...
    Just a suggestion.
    ville 15 years ago
    I love what you have done with the game, there's tons of things I never thought possible!
    Here's just some broader comments about what you could still improve:
    -You'll probably need to list the key commands somewhere in your readme.
    -The first part with the ship flying is insanely difficult. I didn't make much of a dent in the enemy ships before I died constantly.
    -I didn't really get what you have to do after you land on the first planet. And after finding the base I didn't get what you have to do after that. Might want to check on making those things more obvious.
    -I found that controlling the tank was pretty difficult with the mouse movement being so aggressive. I don't remember how much you can affect that though.

    It really is a great mod, and there's a lot of potential. Do try to make an easy playable version so we can make it a newsitem.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    Quickly, ZeX! Release another patch so Wazzal II becomes front page news!
    E_net4 15 years ago
    I also didn't know what to do at first, then I figured out I had to buy fuel in order to achieve higher speeds.
    buggy 15 years ago
    im here to report a bug.when you enter Errxelz (former)(the planet not system)there is huge lag makeing it impossable to play.
    speedblade 15 years ago
    On the contrary, E_net4, the fuel is only used for a jet pack you can use when you are the captain.



    Okay, maybe not a bug, but rather an exploitable feature of the game is present. I found a way to get enough money to get what ever you want, and however much of it.

    I was guessing the stock values change randomly. So here is what I did to exploit that.

    I make the stocks cheap for me so I can buy as much possible IN-GAME, no modding. How? Notice at the top right of your screen that there is a game timer. The second value from left to right is minutes, the third is seconds. Every time the game clock goes to a new minute, the stock values become greater or lesser by a random value. Also, when you save a game, it also saves stock values.
    Near the ship's electronic store computer, I save the game when the clock is about to go to a new minute (Ex. 9-13-53). After that, I wait a few seconds for the minute to pass and the stocks to change prices. If the desired stock becomes more expensive, load the saved game and wait (That's why we would want to save right before the minute is over) for the stocks to randomly change prices again. This time, if the desired stock actually cheapens this time, wait until the next minute is almost over (Ex. 9-14-52), then save on the spot and repeat the tactic explained in this paragraph.
    Okay, say you were doing this on the drugs. The prices should look something like this:

    Slaves: 1932
    Drugs:200 (Default: 500)

    Now you buy as much drugs as possible with your money and repeat the tactic explained in paragraph 2. Only this time, you are forcing the prices to be higher. The max value that drugs can go is 1000 as I had found for experience (The prices would not go up any further. Now when you get it up to that price, you sell all your drugs and you find your self with your cash again, only it's multiplied by 5.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    That's not a bug. If someone has the patience to do that, they've netted themselves a profit. Personally, I'd just, you know, cheat for the money. If I want lots of guaranteed money, I'll want it fast, not saving, loading, and reloading dozens of times.
    speedblade 15 years ago
    Not everyone knows how to "cheat."
    ZeXLR8er 15 years ago
    Expect a new build some time within the week!
    ZeXLR8er 15 years ago
    Double post; I'm sorry!

    Coming in this next build:

    [*]Rocket Propelled Grenades[/*:m]
    [*]Pistol with silencer[/*:m]
    [*]Atomic torpedoes[/*:m]
    [*]Mining ray for mining ore from asteroids[/*:m]
    [*]Two brand new space systems[/*:m]
    [*]One major new terrestrial system[/*:m][/list:u]

    That's so far. I hope there's still some people out there following this mod.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er" said:
    I hope there's still some people out there following this mod.
    /me waves his hand

    I still care!
    buggy 15 years ago
    iv been waiting for a new patch for ages
    DRL 15 years ago
    wOw, ZeXLR8er, another release!, Man, this is one of the best mods I have ever played...
    Please, Keep up the good work !
    ville 15 years ago
    If you haven't already, please put in some sort of a tutorial for me, so I can get past the start.
    DRL 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    If you haven't already, please put in some sort of a tutorial for me, so I can get past the start.
    you mod must be GOOD to have Ville asking a you about it.
    By the way, I have an Idea ( ):
    What about the Dreadnoughts & Battleships of earlier versions?
    Drestroyers & Alien Motherships are good, but that´s not the kind of "Fleet battle" that I love.
    I mean, things look very nice, but more ships would be REALLY cool.
    And more we need more weapons; maybe the ones used in Wazzal would be cool .
    More: "Create your own fleet stuff" In addition to confederate ships, you could also buy "neutral" ships; again, the ones in Wazzal would be cool.
    Final Idea: What about Starbases?: That should be a nice addition, and I mean, not just bases for repair/recharging energy... ect. But StarBases that fire lasers, missiles, and other stuff at enemies (And at you, if you are it´s enemy ) .
    Maybe you should also be able to "man" them? (I mean, much like as tanks & turrets)...
    Thanks for listening (Or reading )!.

    P.S.: You better do not leave this GREAT mod unfinished... Because if you do, I´ll tell the aliens that you are one of the most important Confederate Leaders .
    anruca 15 years ago
    yeah, its a very nice mod. Came out good so far, I cant wait for the next build.
    Moon832 15 years ago
    yay! I have been waiting for a loooong time! wazzal 2 is one of the best mods ever made.
    ZeXLR8er 14 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er" said:
    Expect a new build some time within the week!
    Wow, I blew that one. ops:

    I'm on holidays once again, so - as it does - work has started back into Wazzal II.

    With the upcoming release of Driftmoon, I'm expecting interest both in Wazzal but most importantly Notrium to drop off, so this build will, sadly, most likely be the very last build of Wazzal II ever to be released.

    Over five years in the making; whether it reached the heights I'd hoped or not, I've had a lot of fun making this mod, and I hope to make this last one special for all of you who've given me encouragement along the way.

    Thanks guys, and keep tuned here for info on the release.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago



    Anyhow, never underestimate the power of the last few people that will never get to play the final Driftmoon release because it'll cost money. (At the moment, I think that's two people, although who the other one was escapes me, but two people are still modding, which includes you, and just three would be a crowd. Lol, run-on sentence. )
    ville 14 years ago
    How about we make a special release of Notrium with this as the default mod? For the holidays?
    Venom31 14 years ago
    I have my default mod, thank you. Then I'll rename it
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    "ville" said:
    How about we make a special release of Notrium with this as the default mod? For the holidays?
    Hell yeah!
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    This should definitely be packaged in with the game, but DON'T MAKE IT THE DEFAULT MOD. I really hope that was a typo. You're just forcing people to also get Werivar. Might as well throw in every mod that was ever worth a damn.

    ... And now that we're discussing it, why not do my high-quality pack idea and throw in better-encoded music while we're at it?

    If anyone wants to keep discussing this, hijack my Hi-Q pack thread instead. (Lol, shameless advertising.) It's more related to this new topic.
    Vacuus 14 years ago
    This is a Christmas package, in case you missed that. I doubt it's going to replace the current official download, being a special edition and all

    Either way, I'm looking forward to the final version, finally XD
    ville 14 years ago
    I meant that if ZeXLR8er wanted, we could make a special package of this that would not replace the official Notrium, but would be easier to download and play. We could post it in the blog when it's ready, maybe get a couple of hundred downloads instead of a few dozen. Just a thought, depends on what ZeXLR8er says. I always liked this mod, it's the one I'd love to show when people ask how moddable Notrium is.
    ZeXLR8er 14 years ago
    "ville" said:
    How about we make a special release of Notrium with this as the default mod? For the holidays?
    Wow. That would be amazing, Ville. I don't think I could ever have guessed five years ago as a little young'n modder that I'd get an offer like this sometime in the future. Thankyou so much.
    For this build, I'm focusing on professionality and trying to make this version as close to a finished product as I possibly can - not at the expense of content, but as the primary motivation. The mod won't ever be as large scale as I had first hoped it to be, but at least it will be fully playable and as complete as I can possibly make it; what I imagine would be appropriate for the idea you propose.
    I'll post some of the extra features I've been working on here too, soon. And, if the final version is going up on the main page, I may need some beta testers to give it a play over before I finish it up and ship it out. Volunteers are very welcome below.
    ville 14 years ago
    That's great! There's no rush to finish on my part, it doesn't have to be the holidays or anything.
    Romah 14 years ago
    AWESOME mod!!!

    Ive only started at it, but im already immersed!

    But, I must point out some issues...

    Maybe its me, but i simply get swamped with fighters over and over again!!! I finally was able to buy some off my own, but they never really follow me, but fly off. The only way i ever see them again is if i use the cloak. Then they return... And as soon as i kill them more fly in... sometimes twice in numbers!

    The biggest bug that makes the game utterly unplayable is, after i complete the mission where you must kill parked fighters on the planets side. I go and kill some ships in space.. To the point where im simply swarmed beyond it being impossible... I land, and my character cannot move. Well, his feel seem to move in circles as i try to turn him. then he goes toward the direction of where his feet point. I have the option of movement according to the map. No matter what i do... Anything I can do to fix these issues???
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