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    Priok 16 years ago
    Yeah, it could run on something like Ice packs combined with ether and something else.

    You could build it with a long metal rod, specimen container,2 cooling units, glass tube, and something else maybe.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit = Very big and heavy minigun
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Long Metal Rod + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Particle Accelerator + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Energy Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit + Cooling Unit = Very big and heavy minigun
    Geez, why didn't you just write it so it was... you know, readable? Like this:

    Long Metal Rod x 6
    Particle Accelerator x 7
    Energy Unit x 7
    Cooling Unit x 21
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Geez, why didn't you just write it so it was... you know, readable? Like this:

    Long Metal Rod x 6
    Particle Accelerator x 7
    Energy Unit x 7
    Cooling Unit x 21

    I had to put emphasis on it.
    LastBreath 16 years ago
    Give the alien actual hands. Give the psionic the ability to carry stuff. Give evolution to the human I.E. night vision if you eat a... say... an ether.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "LastBreath" said:
    Give the alien actual hands. Give the psionic the ability to carry stuff. Give evolution to the human I.E. night vision if you eat a... say... an ether.
    So in other words, remove all side diversity.
    Crazy 16 years ago
    And i think the only thing the human will get from drinking ether is a monster headache in the morning.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    I QFT both MK and Crazy's sentences.
    Also, one of the things that used to annoy me in the Werivar mod was that the Human had bizarre powers. He could drain the enemies' life, put them on fire AND slow them down just by looking at them... You know, this is way too unreal.
    Also, I agree with the psionic not being able to carry anything. He should make use of his psionic powers instead of using items.
    Rezan 16 years ago
    If these features were added, the game would be virtually perfect in every way.

    - Adding water as a necessity, and downplaying food, seeing as food is hardly necessary in comparison to water.
    - The ability to build simple structures, devices and chemicals from natural resources.
    - The ability to harvest and stockpile resources from ones environment.
    --- Food
    --- Water
    --- Materials for building
    - Growing ones own food through seeds or similar.
    - Upgradeable physical traits (through exercise/staying on Notrium/gaining experience, what have you)
    --- Strength (how much one can carry, damage with fists and melee weapons)
    --- Agility (how fast one can move, perhaps a "dodge" factor?)
    --- Intelligence (what items one can build)
    --- Perception (how well one sees in the dark, how well one spots enemies and items)
    --- Endurance (how resistant to damage and lack of necessary substances one is)

    Not that I don't consider this game amazing right now, but it would be even more so with these things implemented. Alas, I cannot mod or create/edit graphics myself, and so have no way of making it happen (seeing as the game has stopped development). I know some mods have added one more of the above suggestions in the past, but they are usually implemented "half-way" so to say (not that I haven't enjoyed most of the mods I've played for Notrium) and don't quite fulfil their potential.
    E_net4 16 years ago
    Those are interesting ideas, and I think they are almost possible. I don't know about the Agility feature, but everything else is doable.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Dodging was implemented in the Werivar mod, I believe, however I don't know if a passive increase can be made to your movement speed without headaches.
    Rezan 16 years ago
    Either way it isn't something that will be done, seeing as official development has halted. I'd make a mod including these features and changes, but the problem is I have no skill in graphics, animation or coding. The only thing I could learn within relative time is modding, and that's not good enough.

    Anywho, on subject:

    Aliens and robots could be further broken down. Makes no sense to me to eat an alien raw, with skin, bones and all. The way I see it, an alien corpse has many uses. It has skin, flesh, claws and teeth (not to mention the brown alien has some kind of organic tazer). Robots would likely only be further broken down by the android, looking for parts he could use.
    Mihael 16 years ago
    Make a alien (the movie) mod. That would be great
    Anarion 16 years ago
    "Mihael" said:
    Make a alien (the movie) mod. That would be great
    This should really be in the Ideas for Mods topic.
    JDIZZLE 16 years ago
    Although complicated an effect for detecting/altering a bullets trajectory could yeild some interesting effects. Such as deflecting laser beams off of refective surfaces, or even making a sheild that can ricochet bullects back at enemies. Doubt it is possible but a good idea if it could be created.

    Another good and simpler idea is a sort of sentry camera bot, basically its pretty indestructable so it doesn't get attacked. You drop down somewhere, like the hive area and at any time you can hit a hotkey and jump to its POV, or you could have multiple Cambots around your shelter and cycle through them to check your perimeter. Of course you can be attacked while viewing (actually no unless the cambot can see the player) or atleast you can't use the bots while your being attacked so you can limit its advantages. A possible item combo to make it might be, a repair kit + battery + light diode = cambot that way its simple so there can be more than 1 of them.

    Another idea i got from the ending of Doom the movie. Basically if you combine a long metal rod + standard punch it makes it more effective.

    An interesting system for animal's AI would be that when you're gravely injured you start dropping the creature that attacked you's eat item. Sort of like a bleeding/scent effect where you leave a trail that your enemy can follow as you flee. This would heighten a player's fear because they can't just run away and escape so easily. Guerrilla tactics would be harder to use making the game experience more intense. Also, giving this "skill" only to certain creatures would introduce some new player strategy and make the game a little more realistic.

    Two more things that could add an interesting dynamic would be a sort of camo which allows the player to be unseen for a short time as long he can't move/fire a weapon and activated the cloak when there were no creatures that could see him. The other is a sort of decoy machine like Hunter's Cry skill in the Werivar mod in which the machine attracts lots of creatures. With these two set up a cool and exciting ambush/hunting system could be created.

    Thats all for now folks =P
    JDIZZLE 16 years ago
    A way to keep a part of a the map running even while your not there would be good for modding certain things. Similair to the bullet time affect. But it makes it so that the game doesn't just run the area your in and leaves everything else in the world the same. So when i leave a group of soldiers fighting zombies and come back an hour later a side has won. This could be acheived easily by adding an effect that keeps an area the width parameter1 and height parameter2 running at parameter3 speed(half speed, full speed, normal speed) This could also be used for time dialating grenades that only affect a certain area. This has many applications and it would be great to see it in an update someday.
    TurtlePie 15 years ago
    How about building a editor program to build mods, that would bring many people to make mods.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    "TurtlePie" said:
    How about building a editor program to build mods, that would bring many people to make mods.
    I've often thought about that. A decent editor, with project management, syntax checking, cross-referencing and template support would be pretty useful. I never started on it because this game is already pretty old and making such an editor would be a waste of time for the ten people that might use it. But I never made a mod myself, so I have no idea how much work would be required.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    Well, whipping something up in Python wouldn't actually be that difficult... although it would require relearning the intricacies of modding... again.
    Quanrian 15 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Well, whipping something up in Python wouldn't actually be that difficult... although it would require relearning the intricacies of modding... again.

    Just please message me if you do manage something, so I can bug Ville until he puts it up on the site for you. The game isn't dead yet, but yeah it's old. Surprising that it's held up so well.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    It probably wouldn't be any time soon, but maybe next month (which, yes, would be next year as well) I'll have some time to devote to the project. I have no doubt that an editor to automate things would make modding much easier, so maybe we might even see some activity around here if I do.
    spudofwar 15 years ago
    cloaking armor (reaper corpse + power armor/enhanced power armor)
    Quanrian 15 years ago
    "spudofwar" said:
    cloaking armor (reaper corpse + power armor/enhanced power armor)

    This is actually trickier than you would think. You'd have to fool around with switching sides. With my own experience(which was extensive), was very problematic. You see the Reaver isn't cloaked, it just has a very light alpha map, so it hardly shows. Since the player detects visibly, there wasn't anything complicated about that. However fooling the AI into believing you're not there, well that would be a lot more difficult.
    Zankman 15 years ago
    Hmm... One wouldn't image invisibility would be so hard to pull of...
    How about reducing the AI's line of sight while it's equipped? So, you would need to get close until it noticed you. Of course, if you would open fire then the target would notice you.

    O.K, are there any gloves in Notrium? I haven't really played so intensely in a long time, so I don't know...
    Anyway, Gloves + Blue Alien Corpse = Battle Gauntlets. Humans and Androids can equip them, and use them for increased melee combat damage, if you run out of ammo.
    Cosmas 15 years ago
    I tought about some great, but difficult i suppose idea. Dont know if someone posted it before... Anyways... My idea is to make Notrium Multiplayer available. Players could make servers and play up to 16-30 players. There could be 2 modes of gameplay. One - Players fight. Second one would be better if you ask me. It would be available for Humans, Androids and Psionics and you would be figting against computer guided Aliens. Its like Teamwork Campaign! And in that mode players could choose if they want to continue to play with same character and Equipment when he has when last played this server or to start with things from begginning (flashlight, subspace radio, Tazor etc.). If you would make Notrium Multiplayable i would Consider it as Best Game of Its Kind. And im not joking. I love to play notrium. And i got some Racial ideas.

    - Blue Alien
    - Marine
    - Snow Alien

    By the way you could make the map bigger so we could play longer
    Narvius 15 years ago
    "At the very beginning of this thread, ZeX" said:
    Things not to suggest are:
    *Anything related to multiplayer.
    ville 15 years ago
    He's got a point - at least in my mind the very essence of Notrium is to tell the story of a person stranded on this weird and dangerous landscape, with the feeling of being stranded with no help but yourself. It is not a competition, and on itself is not suited for multiplayer.

    But I might actually think about having a multiplayer game with the combat system of Notrium, I would name it something else though. There aren't too many top down combat games around these days.
    Cosmas 15 years ago
    Oh sorry. But i mean that it would be cool to go for hunting with friends and collect items together. I'd love if i could go on hunt with a friend then go back to base and make something from things we have while he would be on guard... Couldnt some one make even a mod? Im not experienced in this ;/
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    "Cosmas" said:
    Oh sorry. But i mean that it would be cool to go for hunting with friends and collect items together. I'd love if i could go on hunt with a friend then go back to base and make something from things we have while he would be on guard... Couldnt some one make even a mod? Im not experienced in this ;/
    Mods are strictly modifications to game content, not the actual binaries to the game. Multiplayer is impossible and will never become possible as the game stands, partly because it would be a disaster to add multiplayer support to a game where every other feature has already been tuned for singleplayer, and partly because Notrium is done. As ville mentioned, even Notrium 2 may never have multiplayer, if there ever is one, because that's not really the point of the game to begin with.
    Cosmas 15 years ago
    Ok i get it ops: But bout your answer. Is there some plans for Notrium 2? Will it be 3D or something?
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    Currently, the plans for Notrium 2 are that there must be one eventually.

    However, we DID work on a Notrium3D fan game for a while. The project failed primarily because there were too few programmers with too packed schedules (Exactly one!) for such a big undertaking, and partially because I was the only one showing serious enthusiasm and I had to disappear for a while.
    ville 15 years ago
    I may make a Notrium 2 with the Driftmoon engine, as it is capable of most tricks the first Notrium did. But it will take a while even after I finish Driftmoon, so I'm pretty sure some of our Driftmoon modders will finish their take on it first.
    Cosmas 15 years ago
    Cool! Will N2 be ready in 2010?
    ville 15 years ago
    Honestly, I don't even know when Driftmoon will be finished, and it will have to be finished before Notrium 2. I'm certainly hoping it will be finished within the next year, but it's best not to make it an official statement as anything can happen.
    Arthur7 14 years ago
    why not make a Notrium fighting game,in 2° person,the way of look from up is weird!
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