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    Dimolisher 17 years ago
    creniker 17 years ago
    I am brand new to the game and no next to nothing about it so I will probuley ask a bazillion questions in the next few weeks but for starters I want to evolve my alien, and I read the hive was the best place to do that so can someone please tell me how to get to the hive thx and any advice would be much appritiated
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "creniker" said:
    I am brand new to the game and no next to nothing about it so I will probuley ask a bazillion questions in the next few weeks but for starters I want to evolve my alien, and I read the hive was the best place to do that so can someone please tell me how to get to the hive thx and any advice would be much appritiated
    Go north from the starting area.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "creniker" said:
    I am brand new to the game and no next to nothing about it so I will probuley ask a bazillion questions in the next few weeks but for starters I want to evolve my alien, and I read the hive was the best place to do that so can someone please tell me how to get to the hive thx and any advice would be much appritiated
    Go north from the starting area.
    Correction: Don't go.

    Read your journal entries. A new one comes up every virtual day, and you can read old ones by pressing J (IIRC). They will explain how to evolve.

    Now, as for why I said not to go to the hive, it's because you need to conserve those aliens for your final stages of evolution when you'll want to hurry up and evolve to see what comes at the end.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Dimolisher" said:
    You might not used to foruming, but we Don't do what you just did. Besides, you should find out for yourself first.
    Pete 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Dimolisher" said:
    You might not used to foruming, but we Don't do what you just did. Besides, you should find out for yourself first.
    What? I think you left out a word of two.
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    Question: in the werivar expansion has anyone built the Hoverbike MK2? I would like to know the difference and wat parts it requires
    notriumfan 17 years ago
    Hi! Very long time no see. But what do i need to do in each evolution stage of the alien?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "notriumfan" said:
    Hi! Very long time no see. But what do i need to do in each evolution stage of the alien?
    The Journal holds the answers you seek.
    notriumfan 17 years ago
    So could someone tell me what i need to do in each alien evolution phase?!
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Grim said it already, read the journals!
    notriumfan 17 years ago
    AAARGH!!!!! I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!!!!. What do i need to do when it says live with creatures like you or something?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "notriumfan" said:
    AAARGH!!!!! I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT!!!!. What do i need to do when it says live with creatures like you or something?
    Spend time in an area that has creatures similar to the alien you play.

    Now think. What area has lots and lots of aliens?

    That's right. The Hive.
    notriumfan 17 years ago
    Hey it works! Thanks grimsy!
    Pete 17 years ago
    Hey, what do you know, your signature IS accurate.
    RainMaker** 17 years ago
    where can i find a specimen container or how do i make it, im really stumped...
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "RainMaker**" said:
    where can i find a specimen container or how do i make it, im really stumped...
    You can't make 'em, but I think they're found either in the VC Mining Area or the Ship Graveyard.
    RainMaker** 17 years ago
    wat about a flamerthrower?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "RainMaker**" said:
    wat about a flamerthrower?
    What about it?

    If you want to know what to combine to get it, check the Item Combinations thread.
    Ryx 17 years ago
    Hi. I'm new, and I'm curious as to what the stages of morphing are.
    Right now I have about 500 points in my morphing bar thingy and it's getting a bit tedius.. How long until I morph again?

    (I'm an alien if you can't tell.)
    Quanrian 17 years ago
    "Ryx" said:
    Hi. I'm new, and I'm curious as to what the stages of morphing are.
    Right now I have about 500 points in my morphing bar thingy and it's getting a bit tedius.. How long until I morph again?

    (I'm an alien if you can't tell.)

    You evolve from 500 at 550, 800, and 1100. The quickest evolution is going to happen at the Hive, even if you're not killing the right thing, you likely will at some point. There are hints in the journal entries that tell you what you need to do per level, which you should get when you level.
    Starlight 17 years ago
    I'm curious...

    What exactly do the strange leaf and odd bark do? I have already searched the game and forums for any use of these oddities and have found no obvious answer.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    You needed them for... something.

    I don't remember exactly, but they were ending-specific.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    IIRC, they're needed for the planetoid ending.
    Anarion 17 years ago
    I've never actually been able to find them myself.
    monkop1 17 years ago
    i'm trying to get to all the boxes in ville corp to get the tattered paper, but there is a box in the middle of two rocks. How do i get it? i have tried from all sides...
    Anarion 17 years ago
    Heh, unlucky. That sort of thing can happen sometimes. Nothin much you can do about it.
    jockmo42 17 years ago
    Sorry if there's some kind of unspoken rule in the forum stating that newbies should not come in asking for multi-player, but I am.

    Will Notrium ever have multi-player capabilities? This game is awesome, but can be repetitive at times. I was thinking about all of the cool things that LAN multi-player capability could bring. Spreading out to search, pooling resources, complimenting eachother's handicaps with different races, it'd be so cool. I don't know how hard it would be to implement, but please consider it. Add a multi-player mode with slightly upped respawn rates to balance the players and you're set. I can understand if it's too hard to add this feature or if the engine simply won't allow it, but try to tolerate one more newbie asking the same question as everyone else did long enough to give me an answer.

    Thanks for reading.
    harwe 17 years ago
    it already has been asked tons of times and i think that since the development of notrium has stopped and the next type of any notrium is the 3d version so it would be decided for that one... still.. im not sure if there would be any multiplayers in the 3d version or not siince that debate whether or not it should have it is sort of still being decided...

    well thats what i think/remember
    Amarth 17 years ago
    First, development of Notrium has stopped. Ville will not be working on it anymore, so don't expect it from him. A multiplayer Notrium will have to come from the community.

    There is a Notrium3D in the workings (I refer you to <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, but it won't have multiplayer. Unless we find a networked games programmer god, but we haven't seen one of those around here. Keeping a 3D world in synch in multiplayer is hard.

    Leaves the possibility of 2D multiplayer Notrium. No one has taken up the project AFAIK.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "jockmo42" said:
    Sorry if there's some kind of unspoken rule in the forum stating that newbies should not come in asking for multi-player, but I am.
    Amazing that you could guess the rule existed and break it anyway. ;P

    Seriously, though, Amarth summed it up pretty well. Ville has completely stopped working on Notrium in favour of his new project, Cormoon. He's also stated on several occasions that his code is a mess, and he's totally unfamiliar with it by now, so that he probably wouldn't even be able to fix a major bug, were one to be found, so multiplayer (which would largely require a rewrite of the engine anyway) is out of the question unless, as Amarth said, it's fan-made.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    ... And to make it worse, he keeps to his policy about source code, and We can't get multiplayer going. IIRC very basic support is still in there, but that's it.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    ... And to make it worse, he keeps to his policy about source code, and We can't get multiplayer going. IIRC very basic support is still in there, but that's it.
    Nope, not in the Java version of N3D. We had some stuff in the C++ version, but hell.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    ... Oh.

    Not even the part with Damn.
    jockmo42 17 years ago
    Well, I know I broke the rule I guessed, but I figured searching the thirty-five pages of this thread for the word multi before posting was sufficient.

    So, Ville is no longer working on Notrium. The source code isn't released, and if it were, it'd be a mess to rewrite.


    Well, it would have been cool, maybe someday someone will try, but I won't hold my breath. Thanks, everyone.
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